About The Speaker

Robinah Rubimbwa
Robinah Rubimbwa is a feminist communications specialist, peace activist, mediator, poet and educator. She is the Founder and Executive Director of the Coalition for Action on Resolution 1325 (CoACT) an alliance of women’s organisation working towards the full implementation of the women, peace and security agenda. A seasoned trainer, articulate, people oriented and multi-skilled, Robinah is heavily invested in building women’s leadership for politics, governance, peace and security, and for the last 15 years has trained women for and in Parliament, women for and in Local Councils, women in the public service, women faith leaders, and women in civil society for this purpose and recently has added on young people aged 18-31. Robinah used her expertise in strategic development communications to initiate a transformative programme that enabled the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development in Uganda to open up and effectively engage other government ministries, Local Governments, civil society, the media and citizens to achieve a participatory and inclusive planning and budgeting process. She has extensive experience in generating and building knowledge and capacity in peace building, conflict transformation, and mediation and has designed turn-key training programmes. She is very passionate about linking inclusive governance and human rights with development and has championed many initiatives that fight the oppression of women. She pioneered the localisation of the women peace and security in Uganda, an initiative she is still involved with, training local government leaders to design and implement interventions that address the issues that undermine women’s peace and human security. Robinah serves on a number of college and NGO boards in Uganda, and offers leadership training and development communications consulting for government, private sector agencies and civil society organisations. She has spoken at various global, regional and national conferences and seminars sharing experience in peace building and countering violent extremism. She holds a Master’s Degree in Management and Planning, a Graduate Diploma in Journalism and Communications Management, and a BA in English Language Studies and Literature done concurrently with a Diploma in Education. Robinah is a mother and grandmother.