About The Speaker

Tendo Mirembe Namata
Tendo Mirembe Namata i s a young feminist and current founder and team leader of Embibo Gender Initiative. Embibo Gender Initiative is feminist Community Based Organization that envisions a world where rural women and vulnerable groups of people have opportunity to live life to its full potential through equal respect and recognition of their humanity. She is passionate about feminist movement building in rural areas in regards to gender based violence mitigation.
Tendo has worked in the gender and development space to build community structures for the last 5 years. She has curated innovative models such as the Village Gender Teams, Social Enterprises for Sexual Health and Teachers for Gender change among others. As part of her work, Tendo has won several accolades including the World Bank Blog for Dev award on innovative ways to stop GBV in Uganda, Adey Fund, and gender studies post graduate scholarship with the University of Iceland among others.
Educationally, she is currently pursuing a masters in gender from Makerere University and has a degree in mass communication from Uganda Christian University.