About The Speaker

Tracy Ahumuza
Tracy Ahumuza is a communications professional with over 10 years’ experience in public relations, broadcast and print journalism. She has training in health promotion and public health communication. She currently works with the Infectious Diseases Institute as a corporate communications specialist. Tracy is passionate about innovations in neonatal and maternal health and leads ATTA Breastmilk Community. ATTA is a programme of the Alyssa Marie Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation whose mandate is to support parents to make an informed decision about their new-born’s feeding. ATTA, whose leadership includes a professor in clinical pharmacology, a neonatologist, a lactation consultant and a peadiatrician is dedicated recruiting breast milk donors and advocating for a Uganda where safely donated, breast milk is available for all sick, preterm, low birth weight and new-borns who, for any other reason, could be saved by human milk.